
A session allows Lucia to keep track of requests made by authenticated users. They are identified by their id, which is used as a credential that identifies and authenticate the user. Session ids can be stored in a cookie or used as a traditional token manually added to each request.

Sessions should be created and stored on registration and login, validated on every request, and deleted on sign out.

const session: Session = {
	sessionId: "CAbc9LAUY3Q18f0s92Jo817dna8eDtmRrUrDuVFM", // 40 chars
	user: {
		userId: "larz8rgA34yycgj"
	}, // `User` object
	activePeriodExpiresAt: new Date(),
	idlePeriodExpiresAt: new Date(),
	state: "active", // or "idle"
	fresh: false

Session id#

It’s randomly generated by Lucia (a-z and 0-9) and it’s 40 characters long. You can pass a custom session id when creating a session as well.

Session states and session reset#

Sessions can be in one of 3 states:

Instead of invalidating an idle session and creating a new one, Lucia will reset the session by extending the expiration.

This allows sessions to be persisted for active users, while invalidating inactive users. If you have used access tokens and refresh tokens, Lucia’s sessions are a combination of both. Active sessions are your access tokens, and idle sessions are your refresh tokens.

Validating requests#

Requests can be validated by validating the session id included. There are mainly 2 ways to send sessions: cookies and bearer tokens. Cookies are preferred for regular websites and web-apps, whereas bearer tokens are preferred for standalone servers for mobile/desktop apps. Refer to Handle requests page to learn more about how to validate and work with incoming requests from your clients.

Defining session attributes#

You can define custom user attributes by returning them in getSessionAttributes() configuration. The params for getSessionAttributes() will include every field in the session table. See Database for adding custom fields to your session table.

import { lucia } from "lucia";

	// ...
	getSessionAttributes: (databaseSession) => {
		return {
			createdAt: databaseSession.created_at

const session: Session = await auth.validateSession(sessionId);
// `sessionId` etc are always included
const { sessionId, createdAt } = session;

Create sessions#

Auth.createSession() can be used to create a new session. It takes a user id and the attributes (empty for default configuration), and returns the newly created session. If the user id is invalid, it will throw AUTH_INVALID_USER_ID.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";
import { LuciaError } from "lucia";

try {
	const session = await auth.createSession({
		attributes: {} // expects `Lucia.DatabaseSessionAttributes`
	const sessionCookie = auth.createSessionCookie(session);
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof LuciaError && e.message === `AUTH_INVALID_USER_ID`) {
		// invalid user id
	// unexpected database errors

If you have properties defined in Lucia.DatabaseSessionAttributes, pass whatever you defined to attributes.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";
import { LuciaError } from "lucia";

try {
	const session = await auth.createSession({
		attributes: {
			created_at: new Date()
		} // expects `Lucia.DatabaseSessionAttributes`
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof LuciaError && e.message === `AUTH_INVALID_USER_ID`) {
		// invalid user id
	// provided session attributes violates database rules (e.g. unique constraint)
	// or unexpected database errors

Session attributes errors#

If the session attributes provided violates a database rule (such a unique constraint), Lucia will throw the database/driver/ORM error instead of a regular LuciaError. For example, if you’re using Prisma, Lucia will throw a Prisma error.

Validate sessions#

Sessions can be validated using Auth.validateSession(). This will reset the session if its idle.

You can check if the returned session was just reset with the Session.fresh property. If the session is dead (invalid), it will throw AUTH_INVALID_SESSION_ID.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";
import { LuciaError } from "lucia";

try {
	const session = await auth.validateSession(sessionId);
	if (session.fresh) {
		// expiration extended
		const sessionCookie = auth.createSessionCookie(session);
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof LuciaError && e.message === `AUTH_INVALID_SESSION_ID`) {
		// invalid session
	// unexpected database errors

Get sessions#

You can get a session with Auth.getSession(). Unlike Auth.validateSession(), this will not reset idle sessions and as such, the returned session may be active or idle.

It takes a session id, and returns the session if it exists or throw AUTH_INVALID_SESSION_ID if not.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";
import { LuciaError } from "lucia";

try {
	const session = await auth.getSession(sessionId);
	if (session.state === "active") {
		// valid sessions
	} else {
		// idle session
		// should be reset
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof LuciaError && e.message === `AUTH_INVALID_SESSION_ID`) {
		// invalid session
	// unexpected database errors

Get all user sessions#

You can get all valid sessions of a user, both active and idle, with Auth.getAllUserSessions(). It will throw AUTH_INVALID_USER_ID if the provided user is invalid.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";

try {
	const sessions = await auth.getAllUserSessions(userId);
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof LuciaError && e.message === "AUTH_INVALID_USER_ID") {
		// invalid user id
	// unexpected database error

Invalidate sessions#

You can invalidate sessions with Auth.invalidateSession(). This will succeed regardless of the validity of the session.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";

await auth.invalidateSession(sessionId);

Invalid all user sessions#

Auth.invalidateAllUserSessions() can be used to invalidate all sessions belonging to a user. This will succeed regardless of the validity of the user id.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";

await auth.invalidateAllUserSessions(userId);

Update session attributes#

You can update attributes of a session with Auth.updateSessionAttributes(). You can update a single field or multiple fields. It returns the update session, or throws AUTH_INVALID_SESSION_ID if the session does not exist.

In general however, invalidating the current session and creating a new session is preferred.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";
import { LuciaError } from "lucia";

try {
	const user = await auth.updateSessionAttributes(
			updated_at: new Date()
		} // expects partial `Lucia.DatabaseUserAttributes`
} catch (e) {
	if (e instanceof LuciaError && e.message === `AUTH_INVALID_SESSION_ID`) {
		// invalid user id
	// provided session attributes violates database rules (e.g. unique constraint)
	// or unexpected database errors

Delete dead user sessions#

You can delete dead user sessions with Auth.deleteDeadUserSessions() to cleanup your database. It may be useful to call this whenever a user signs in or signs out. This will succeed regardless of the validity of the user id.

import { auth } from "./lucia.js";

await auth.deleteDeadUserSessions(userId);


You can configure sessions in a few ways: