Using Drizzle ORM

Drizzle ORM is a TypeScript ORM for SQL databases designed with maximum type safety in mind. While Lucia doesn’t provide an adapter for Drizzle itself, it does provide adapters for most database drivers supported by Drizzle.


Make sure to change the table names accordingly.

// schema.js
import { mysqlTable, bigint, varchar } from "drizzle-orm/mysql-core";

export const user = mysqlTable("auth_user", {
	id: varchar("id", {
		length: 15 // change this when using custom user ids
	// other user attributes

export const key = mysqlTable("user_key", {
	id: varchar("id", {
		length: 255
	userId: varchar("user_id", {
		length: 15
		.references(() =>,
	hashedPassword: varchar("hashed_password", {
		length: 255

export const session = mysqlTable("user_session", {
	id: varchar("id", {
		length: 128
	userId: varchar("user_id", {
		length: 15
		.references(() =>,
	activeExpires: bigint("active_expires", {
		mode: "number"
	idleExpires: bigint("idle_expires", {
		mode: "number"


Install mysql2 and follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

npm install mysql2

Create a new Pool from mysql/promise and use it to initialize both Drizzle and Lucia.

// db.js
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/mysql2";
import { createPool } from "mysql2/promise";

export const pool = mysql.createPool({
	// ...

export const db = drizzle(pool);
// lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { mysql2 } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-mysql";

import { pool } from "./db.js";

export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: mysql2(pool, tableNames)


Remove all references() from the schema since Planetscale does not support foreign keys from key and session. For example:

export const key = mysqlTable("user_key", {
	// ...
	userId: varchar("user_id", {
		length: 15
	// .references(() =>

	// ...

Install @planetscale/database and follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

npm install @planetscale/database

Create a new connection and use it to initialize both Drizzle and Lucia.

// db.js
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/planetscale-serverless";
import { connect } from "@planetscale/database";

export const connection = connect({
	// ...

export const db = drizzle(connection);
// lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { planetscale } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-mysql";

import { connection } from "./db.js";

export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: planetscale(connection, tableNames)


We recommend using pg with TCP connections for Supabase and Neon.

Make sure to change the table names accordingly.

// schema.js
import { pgTable, bigint, varchar } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const user = pgTable("auth_user", {
	id: varchar("id", {
		length: 15 // change this when using custom user ids
	// other user attributes

export const session = pgTable("user_session", {
	id: varchar("id", {
		length: 128
	userId: varchar("user_id", {
		length: 15
		.references(() =>,
	activeExpires: bigint("active_expires", {
		mode: "number"
	idleExpires: bigint("idle_expires", {
		mode: "number"

export const key = pgTable("user_key", {
	id: varchar("id", {
		length: 255
	userId: varchar("user_id", {
		length: 15
		.references(() =>,
	hashedPassword: varchar("hashed_password", {
		length: 255


Install pg and follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

npm install pg

Create a new Pool and use it to initialize both Drizzle and Lucia.

// db.js
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/node-postgres";
import { Pool } from "pg";

export const pool = new Pool({
	// ...

export const db = drizzle(pool);
// lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { pg } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-postgresql";

import { pool } from "./db.js";

export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: pg(pool, tableNames)


Install postgres and follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

npm install postgres

Create a new connection and use it to initialize both Drizzle and Lucia.

// db.js
import { drizzle, PostgresJsDatabase } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js";
import postgres from "postgres";

export const queryClient = postgres(/* ... */);

export const db: PostgresJsDatabase = drizzle(queryClient);
// lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { postgres as postgresAdapter } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-postgresql";

import { queryClient } from "./db.js";

export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: postgresAdapter(queryClient, tableNames)


Make sure to change the table names accordingly.

// schema.js
import { sqliteTable, text, blob } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";

export const user = sqliteTable("user", {
	id: text("id").primaryKey()
	// other user attributes

export const session = sqliteTable("user_session", {
	id: text("id").primaryKey(),
	userId: text("user_id")
		.references(() =>,
	activeExpires: blob("active_expires", {
		mode: "bigint"
	idleExpires: blob("idle_expires", {
		mode: "bigint"

export const key = sqliteTable("user_key", {
	id: text("id").primaryKey(),
	userId: text("user_id")
		.references(() =>,
	hashedPassword: text("hashed_password")


Install better-sqlite3 and follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

npm install better-sqlite3

Create a new Database and use it to initialize both Drizzle and Lucia.

// db.js
import { drizzle, BetterSQLite3Database } from "drizzle-orm/better-sqlite3";
import sqlite from "better-sqlite3";

export const sqliteDatabase = sqlite(/* ... */);

export const db: BetterSQLite3Database = drizzle(sqliteDatabase);
// lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { betterSqlite3 } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-sqlite";

import { sqliteDatabase } from "./db.js";

export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: betterSqlite3(sqliteDatabase, tableNames)

Cloudflare D1#

Follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/d1";

const initializeDrizzle = (db: D1Database) => {
	return drizzle(db);

const initializeLucia = (db: D1Database) => {
	const auth = lucia({
		adapter: d1(db, tableNames)
		// ...
	return auth;

libSQL (Turso)#

Install @libsql/client and follow the adapter documentation to setup your database.

npm install @libsql/client

Create a new client and use it to initialize both Drizzle and Lucia.

// db.js
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/libsql";
import { createClient } from "@libsql/client";

export const libsqlClient = createClient({
	// ...

export const db = drizzle(libsqlClient);
// lucia.ts
import { lucia } from "lucia";
import { libsql } from "@lucia-auth/adapter-sqlite";

import { libsqlClient } from "./db.js";

export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: libsql(libsqlClient, tableNames)